Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Weapons Of The Civil War Essays - Firearm Actions, Rifled Muskets
Weapons of the Civil War The Civil War has been the most noticeably terrible catastrophe that this nation has encountered all through our country's genuinely youthful presence. It will perpetually be a lasting scar that will imperfection the historical backdrop of the United States of America. The Civil War amassed more American losses than every single other war joined. This reality is somewhat because of the astounding headway of guns during the time of the Civil War. Both the C.S.A. what's more, USA were partially liable for making this abrupt flood of mechanical advancement in weapon plan. The other factor was that the military was as of now encountering a period of change which added to an amazing increment of current weapon creation. Coming up next is a finished assessment of the conspicuous guns that were utilized in real life during the Civil War. Handguns assumed a fundamental job on the combat zone during the Civil War. The movement in innovation prodded another exploratory period for weapon makers everywhere throughout the world. A race had started to deliver an increasingly proficient handgun. Thus numerous producers made handguns that incorporated various test developments. The pistol was the most broadly created and utilized handgun. Numerous sorts were grown, yet the Colt was the most mainstream by a sizable edge. The Colt was utilized by both the Army and the Navy and was a six-shot gun. It was created by Samuel Colt, who presented his pistol during the 1830s. It was the main gun that consolidated the percussion framework in its plan. Colt later built up an improved variant known as the .44 3D Model Army Colt. It ruled every other pistol in capacity and plan at the current time and even down to introduce day. All colts were single-activity and more than 150,000 of them were utilized. Remington, Starr, Smith and Wesson, were just a couple of different makers that delivered guns for the Federal militaries. Confederates' pistols were either guns taken from dead or detained government officers. The South had organization created guns, but since of the absence of crude materials, creation was incredibly restricted. The fundamental Civil War pistol had a fairly straightforward structure. Pistols have a chamber which as a rule contains six loads to store projectiles. An areola sits at the rear of each chamber which requires percussion top. A percussion top is a ?contact dangerous?. At the point when the trigger is pulled the sledge hammers down on the top. The top lights the black powder which dispatches the shot to its grievous human objective who will have his tissue tore separated if the slug interfaces. This structure end up being somewhat effective. Fighters likewise some of the time had issues reloading their chambers. So they thought that it was speedier to simply convey completely stacked extra chambers. The procedure to supplant chambers took roughly 30 seconds. Shoulder Arms Before the Civil War, flintlock rifles going back to the Revolutionary War, were utilized. These rifles required a tedious stacking procedure to be performed before you shot. Therefore you could possibly shoot about once like clockwork in the event that you were a talented officer. In any case, when the percussion framework was presented it started an upheaval in the plan everything being equal. With these new rifles an officer could without much of a stretch shoot a few shots for each moment. Rifles were unmistakably the essential weapons that were utilized by the infantry on the two sides. Rifles of the Civil War time fell into two primary classes, carbines and guns. Carbines were lightweight and littler than most rifles. These kind of rifles were predominantly utilized by the rangers. Flintlocks were the most mainstream sort of rifle utilized. Springfields, Enfields, and so forth completely fell into the black powder gun classification. Guns were appropriate for the infantry in view of the more drawn out separation that a black powder rifle could accomplish contrasted with a carbine. Springfield black powder guns were obviously the principle rifles utilized in the Civil War. It is reasonable for state that the Springfield was the ?foal? of shoulder arms. The most conspicuous model of all the Springfield rifles was the 1861 Springfield black powder gun. This flintlock was mass delivered in the Springfield Armory and at 32 other private makers. It was offered to the national government at an expense of $15-$20. It was 55.75 inches long, 8.88 lbs.,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ptlls Assignment 2
Sum up the key parts of current administrative prerequisites and codes of training pertinent to your subject and the sort of association inside which you might want to work. In my future employment I will encourage fundamental education and numeracy aptitudes utilizing ICT. There are regularly 15 understudies to a room sitting at a PC work area with earphones and a PC with console. Fundamental wellbeing and security is talked about at the acceptance meeting itemizing crisis exits and the alert that can be normal in case of a fire.Ground rules are additionally examined which state obviously that no food or drink is to be taken into the primary study halls and every single cell phone must be turned off. As per the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, under the obligations of bosses: ‘All working practices must be protected; The workplace must be sheltered and solid; All plant and apparatus must be kept to a base; Safety arrangements must be expressed to all staff. The explanations for these standard procedures are investigated for instance, if drinks are taken into the preparation homeroom they could turn into a peril on the off chance that they were spilt over a PC console or over another learner.Mobile telephones can be troublesome on the off chance that they go off in the preparation study hall as they will upset different students who in spite of the headphones will have the option to hear the ring tones. Minton (1991) likewise expresses that ‘As an instructor your duty regarding the security of your understudies is a legitimate requirement’. This lawful prerequisite stretches out to the protecting from suspected maltreatment youngsters or defenseless grown-ups and the maltreatment secured is physical, sexual, enthusiastic, tormenting, separation and disregard, which all structure a piece of both the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 2006.Wherever individuals accumulate in bunches they can be helpless against segregation . The PC programs themselves are distributed with copyright security under the ‘Data Protections Act 1998’ and all projects must be controlled by students selected on courses with proper passwords and enlistment. Copyright gives the makers particular sorts of material rights to control the manners by which their materials are utilized. These rights start when the PC program is gotten to and the course is begun. All students are likewise secured under the Equal Opportunities Act 2006.Under this Act all individuals must be dealt with similarly paying little mind to their disparities both obvious and non noticeable and treatment of all students must be liberated from any sort of segregation. There are various laws that advance correspondence and decent variety and as educators it is basic that we adjust to all enactment to guarantee the wellbeing of our understudies. References Handout Notes Session 2 †1/10/10/Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race Relations Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Data Protection Act 1988 Equal Opportunities Act 2006 Debra Clarke PTLLS Assignment 2
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Work and Travel while Gaining Valuable Job Experience
Work and Travel while Gaining Valuable Job Experience Work, or see the world?If you were given, out of the blue, a year (or maybe even two) where you can do one of those two things, what would you do?It should be simple enough, right? There are only two choices, and all you have to do is pick one. But it’s not really as simple as that, is it?After all, you’re making a decision that will definitely have a huge impact on your future and your life.You’re basically being asked to pick between your livelihood and a desire to go to new places and encounter various experiences during your travels. So I can totally understand if you will take a long time to come up with an answer to that question. It’s not something that can be decided on a whim, after all.TO WORK OR TO TRAVEL?That is, indeed, the question.There are still many people who have a lot of trouble reconciling the idea of simultaneously building up your resume and gaining job experience AND seeing the world through travelling. How can such a thing be possible? Or, the more appropriate question would be, does it even make sense?Ask me this question three, four, five decades ago, and I’d probably say that no, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. In fact, it sounds absolutely preposterous. You see, it was a matter of focusing on one thing at a time, and there are some things that you should give 100% of your attention to, and establishing a career is one of them.That means you have to be solely concentrated on the task of getting as much work experience as you can, so you’ll be able to have a resume that will t ake you much higher in the career ladder you’re trying to climb.On the other hand, if you choose to travel, this means you’d practically have no time for anything else other than soaking up new experiences: seeing new places, meeting new people, learning new languages and cultures, and just ‘living it up’. It’s something fun, so there won’t be any room for thoughts of working or gaining relevant job trainings and experiences.But that scenario I just painted right there would be if you asked me that question back then. But that was then, and this is now, and so many things that seemed impossible and downright ridiculous back then are actually doable now. In fact, they’re even considered to be normal, as if that’s how things have been done all along.So what, exactly, am I trying to say here? If you look around you, you will no doubt find people who, in the midst of travelling, are actually stocking up on work experience, gradually building a resume that will propel the m to that higher career plane that they are aiming for.Yes, it can be done. And you, too, can do it.WHAT CAN YOU GAIN FROM TRAVELLING?First things first, though, let us address that often-asked question: why travel?People travel for a variety of reasons. There are some people who are outspoken in how they cannot stay in one place for too long, even if it’s home. They have to be constantly on the move, going from one place to another.For them, they have a tendency to feel stifled when they stay in one place for, say, longer than a year or two. And so they pack up their bags and move on to the next destination on a list they have drawn up. Mobility? They’re all about that life.But there are those who are more practical in their approach to travel. You’ve probably heard this before, or read it somewhere, but let me say it again: “travel broadens the mindâ€. It opens up new doors and ushers in new possibilities, so you’ll be wiser, smarter, more open-minded and accepting of t hings and circumstances, and definitely with higher levels of creativity and innovation.Let’s try to go deeper into the reasons why you should make travel an integral part of your life.Travel makes you a happier person. Can you think back on a time in your life when you were so fed up with everything, you just wanted to toss all caution into the wind and go somewhere â€" anywhere â€" far away?You must have been really stressed, perhaps by having to deal with something heavy or repetitive that you were bored to tears, or you may have felt like you’re stuck in the same place for a long time, and you just wanted to have some movement. Whether it is boredom, stress, or simply a passion for new things and new experiences that spur you to start travelling, there is no doubt that you are doing it for your mental well-being.Maybe the mere idea of putting distance between yourself and your old hunting grounds makes you excited, so it is with a great amount of anticipation that you look f orward to what awaits you in your next destination.Or you may be one of those sentimental people who like to make memories that they can reminisce from time to time in the future, deriving great pleasure and satisfaction in knowing that you have experienced this or that at least once before.Travel is an excellent tool for building character. Can you remember what you were like before you went on your first trip out of state or even out of the country? Several trips abroad later, what do you think changed? And what changed for the better?We gain knowledge from going to school and getting formal education, but our characters and personalities are more developed when we are exposed to various situations and circumstances, and what could be better than acquiring them through travelling?Travel is great for building self-confidence. I used to be really afraid of going on overseas trips, thinking the language barrier will render me speechless when I arrive in a new country. It is a fear of many first-time travelers that they might get lost or something. I was one of them. That didn’t last long, though. Now, I have gained enough confidence that I don’t even hesitate to go on these overseas trips by myself.Travel tests you and tells you a lot about yourself. No matter how much you’ve planned every single detail of your travels, there will still be that one or two things that won’t go as planned. You cannot do away with that unpredictability factor. Ask anybody who has travelled to different places and they’ll tell you that curveballs are nothing new when you are on the road. You’ll definitely be tested on how you’re able to cope with these curveballs and ride the wave, so to speak. In fact, if you ask some seasoned travelers, it is that degree of unpredictability that adds spice to the whole experience.Travel reminds you that the whole world does not revolve around you. It’s a great eye-opener. After living in your comfort zone for most of your life, yo u’re suddenly out there, far from home, seeing the “other side†and experiencing firsthand how the “other half†lives. You meet new people. You hear new personal stories. You make new friends and nurture some of them long after you’ve moved on to the new place.Travel is good for your health. A sound mind makes for a healthy body. Travelling can be exhausting and tiring, yes, but if you weigh that alongside the positive points that your mental well-being gets, you’re getting the better deal.Travel takes you through a myriad of experiences, most of which you will undoubtedly realize to be very valuable in the future. After seeing all those new places, meeting all those new faces and experiencing new things, you are bound to have picked up a thing or two. Unknowingly, you’re gaining more knowledge, gaining new insights, and even acquiring new skills in the process. This is seen by many as one of the perks of travelling.Travel makes you a more interesting person. Who wou ld you get stuck in an elevator with? Somebody who has lived in the same neighborhood all his life or someone who has been to several different countries around the world. I tend to think you’ll go with the one who has traveled. This is because they will have something interesting to share. You will get to hear about all the different people of the world, how they live and in the process get to learn something new. Do some travelling and you will be this interesting person that everyone wants to be around.If we’re going to sum it up, there are two main reasons why people travel. The first one is for pleasure and the second one is for knowledge acquisition. The great thing about living during these times is how these two can actually be combined.Modern technology has certainly played a major role in making what used to be impossible possible. Modern air travel, for instance, cut down significantly the time and effort it would usually take for you to cross distances and even time zones. Technologies on connectivity now make it possible for you to work remotely, so you can still get some work done even if you’re crossing those timezones.So many barriers are breaking down, one by one, and one of these barriers is the one standing between travel and a career.WORKING AND TRAVELLING â€" CAN YOU DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME?In most cases, having international experience on your resume is sure to increase your likability as a potential job hire. It certainly elevates you and brings you a step or two higher than the other applicants for almost any position. More importantly, though, they will look at the type of international experience that you placed in there, specifically at the job skills and competencies that the experience has given you.Let’s backtrack a bit in the previous section on the reasons why you should travel, and zero in on the last one, the one that talks about how travel helps you gain valuable experiences that can actually help you in your chosen field or career.How is that possible, you ask?You’ll be surprised to learn how travelling can actually help you gain valuable work or job experience. The various situations that you will be exposed to while you’re travelling in a foreign country and unfamiliar territory can teach you some skills that are “resume-worthyâ€.During these travels, you are practically exposed to places and situations that help you develop your soft skill set, as well as the transferable skills that you will bring into the workplace.So what skills are we talking about? Let’s get started, shall we?Adaptability and Team-BuildingNothing screams “I can fit in anywhere!†than actually showing that you were able to do exactly that in the past. It is one thing to write in your resume that you are flexible and adaptable, and can work with other people within a team; it is another to provide proof of that claim.Now imagine yourself being interviewed for a job that you really, really want, in a company that you really, really want to get into. Suddenly, the interviewer asks you to provide an example of a time that you had to work and interact with people who clearly share different thoughts and opinions with you.Well, lucky you. It’s time to draw out the big guns and talk about the few months you spent in a non-English speaking country in Asia, where you were able to successfully complete a project with a team that is purely Asian (with you as the exception, of course), overcoming language, cultural and even psychological barriers you have with your teammates. Cite several situations where you were able to favorably negotiate with them. That is sure to earn you more points than simply saying “Oh, I can adapt very well.â€And do not forget how this gives you more brownie points in terms of your communication skills. It can’t be that easy to actually communicate, interact and even develop relationships with people who do not share your culture, much less your language. If you were able to do that in foreign soil, then there is no doubt that you will also be able to accomplish the same in the workplace.Initiative and LeadershipNot everyone is brave enough to take on the challenge of travelling to strange places and coexist with practically alien people in unfamiliar settings. It’s a huge nod to your favor that you have taken the initiative to go out there, step out of your comfort zone and, in the process, learn a thing or two.What does this say about you? It says that you are the type to take actionthat you do not follow the safe road simply because it is what the majority takes. And that, when you make a decision, you go through with it and see it to the end. You are showing that you are the type to actually make things happen.This basically puts you in a favorable light, highlighting your potential as a good leader.Independence and DeterminationCompanies favor employees that can work well with other people, but they also value employees that can demo nstrate a certain level of independence. And what could possibly be better in training you to become independent than going travelling?If you are travelling to a foreign country to work there for an extended period, you’re basically going to immerse yourself in an unfamiliar territory, where you won’t have your parents to coddle you, or your friends to turn to for help. Especially during the first few days and weeks, you’re on your own. For the first time in your life, you’d have to be entirely self-reliant. This skill will definitely make you stand out.Planning skillsYou cannot expect to travel and be completely random about it. Some level of planning is required, and the amount of planning that you do when you travel will hone your planning skills that will translate favorably to your career.What planning do you usually do when you travel? For starters, you’re probably going to come up with an itinerary for the duration of your travel period.Do not forget budgeting. Trav elling does not come cheap, no matter how much those travel bloggers and budget travel “pundits†preach about how you can see the world for just a few grand. It will cost money, and this is often limited, so you’ll have to plan on how to stretch the limited budget that you have for your travel period.Travel is clearly one of the most effective ways for you to practice your planning and budgeting skills, and these will definitely come in handy when you start to get serious about establishing your career.Decision-making skillsThis goes hand in hand with your planning skills. In order to come up with the best decision, you’d have to have a good plan first. The plan, depending on how meticulous and detailed it is, will have an impact on how informed your decision will be.Being adaptable also reflects very well on your decision-making skills. When thrown a curveball, you have to adapt quickly, which means you have to make decisions fast.This demonstrates quick thinking, showing y ou can still come up with an informed decision even if you did not have a prior plan for it, and you did not have a lot of time to go over the specifics. This high level discretion is what many companies look for in supervisory and managerial positions.Now, How Can You Make This Happen?Unless you have a job that actually pays you to travel the world, you’ll probably be wondering how you can combine these two and ultimately build a stable and even lucrative career. Right after high school, many take a year (they call it “gap yearâ€), which they will typically spend travelling abroad, either touring, volunteering, or taking on various jobs.Even those in the middle of studying, some students may also opt to have a gap year, and it definitely helps if their university or college has a gap year program, making it easier for them to take advantage of such an opportunity.And it’s not limited to students, because even if you are already working, you may also choose to take a year off , calling it a “sabbaticalâ€, and the most common way that this is spent is through travelling. Is one year too long? Some companies allow their employees to take extended vacations, where they can use up the leaves due them, for a couple of months or maybe even as long as six months.Aside from these gap years or sabbaticals and taking extended vacation leaves, you may try one other route: taking part in a “work and travel programâ€.Ever Heard of Work and Travel Programs?Work and travel programs are, as the phrase implies, exchange programs where you can travel abroad to live and work, allowing you to learn a new language and culture, or learn a new environment apart from what you’re familiar with.There are a great number of these programs offered for students and practically anyone who wants to experience working overseas, combining work and their love for travel, while using it as a tool or “launching pad†for greater things, career-wise.And it goes the other way, too. There are also work and travel programs that provide opportunities for foreigners to travel to the United States and work there. One of the more popularly known ones is the Summer Work Travel Program (J-1 Work Travel Visa), where foreign college and university students from abroad can do culture- and idea-sharing with people in the US through “temporary work and travel opportunities†for up to 12 months.The U.S. Department of State designates sponsors for the J-1 Work Travel Visa, and an example of a designated sponsor is InterExchange. InterExchange has, among its list of offerings, the Work Travel USA program, which sponsors foreigners who want an “unforgettable cultural experience in the US as they explore, work, earn money and boost their resumeâ€.Depending on the program specifics, the work and travel programs have specific guidelines or criteria that interested participants or applicants have to meet. If you are interested in any of these programs, you have to make su re you meet the criteria, you submit all the necessary documentary requirements, and you can afford the fees involved (no, they’re not free).So will you, or will you not?You can probably give me a list of ways to acquire skills and job experience that will make your resume â€" and you â€" stand out. Now you can add another one to that list.Travel is definitely a great way to gain valuable skills and experience, for both your personal and professional life, and when you take into account how it also whets your appetite for adventure and excitement and panders to your sense of fun, then you are setting yourself up for one of the best experiences in your life!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The North American Free Trade Agreement - 1804 Words
With the growing trend of globalization within supply chains to expand products into foreign countries, understanding the elements of trade blocs that enable open markets between member nations while also decreasing the cost of conducting business within a country is essential in making strategic logistical decisions. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has provided one such trade bloc that encompasses the countries of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Since the inception of NAFTA in 1994, significant financial results have been achieved regarding increases in trade revenue and increases in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While there is a debate on whether NAFTA has achieved its intended goals, growing concerns in the†¦show more content†¦157). One of the main reasons that countries establish trade blocs is to open markets between member nations thereby decreasing the cost of doing business by removing trade tariffs. With the implementation of trade blocs countries experience an increase in the size of consumers for products and services to export and allow organizations easier access for competing within global markets. In further analyzing the NAFTA, the agreement took effect on 1 January 1994 with the primary objectives comprised of as North American Free Trade Agreement (n.d.) explained, the liberalization of trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States, stimulate economic growth, and give the NAFTA countries equal access to each other s markets (n.p.). With the provisions and annexes of the NAFTA consisting of twenty-two chapters and compiling over two-thousand pages, NAFTA is the largest free trade agreement ever enacted and has served as a template for future free-trade agreements in addition to having several provisions modeled for inclusion within multilateral trade negotiations. The NAFTA influences a variety of strategic issues that include market access, removal of nontariff barriers, rules about origin of goods, customs administration, investment, services, intellectual property, government property, and standards. To facilitate market access between the three countries, within the first ten yearsShow MoreRelatedNorth American Free Trade Agreement Essay1398 Words  | 6 Pages North American Free Trade Agreement During the most recent race for the White House we heard very little of substance from both parties, but one thing both parties seem to agree on is that free trade has been bad for the U.S. worker. One candidate proclaimed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of jobs and another distanced herself from free trade agreements all together. It has been over twenty years since the implementation ofRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1711 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will discuss four components of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Background, events, pros and cons. Upon the research, you will discover four online articles to provide more detail and examples. This research will indicate how it was developed and the reasoning on why it would benefit the nation. Also, it will provide events that occur after the agreement was signed by congress and the recession the countries experience during the e arly 2000s. There will be a chart locatedRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagessubstance from both parties, but one thing both parties seem to agree on is that free trade has been bad for the U.S. worker. One candidate proclaimed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of jobs and another distanced herself from free trade agreements all together. It has been over twenty years since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and many have criticized it as a bad deal for the U.S. It can be shown thatRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement also referred to as NAFTA produced results on January 1, 1994. A trade agreement was made between each of the three of nations of North America. The United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, the Mexican Presiden t, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and previous U.S. President George H. Shrub initiated the agreement. Connections between the nations were at that point on great terms, particularly between The United States and CanadaRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1863 Words  | 8 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is an accordance between the United States, Mexico, and Canada that was put into effect in January 1994. This agreement was unprecedented because it integrated three countries that were at extremely different levels of economic development. It changed the economic relationship between North American countries and encouraged trade and investment among the three countries to grow considerably. The purpose of the creation of the North American FreeRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement negotiated by three countries; Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The main purpose of NAFTA is essentially to reduce trade barriers in order to promote international commerce, and open up different industries to trade, in particular textiles, agriculture, and automobile sectors. The introduction of NAFTA completely transformed North American economic relations and led to unparalleled cooperation between the U.S. Canada and MexicoRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1486 Words  | 6 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), an agreement signed by three countries in creating rules in trade in North America. NAFTA, when being presented, was described as genuine for helping Mexico and Canada. But was NAFTA really helpings those counties or really just helping N orth America? Initially North America was being genuine about NAFTA when talking to Mexico and Canada but in reality the NAFTA caused some uneven development as the years went by. I have two stories thatRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1018 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA, is a trilateral trade agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Signed January 1, 1994, NAFTA’s main purpose was to reduce trading costs, increase business investments, and help the United States be more competitive in the global marketplace. The agreement would eliminate all tariffs on half of all U.S. goods shipping to Mexico and introduce new regulations to encourage cross-border investments. According to President Bush, tradeRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement920 Words  | 4 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NATFA) shoved the American worker down a flight of stairs in the name of Globalization NAFTA or a bill similar had been floating around Washington since 1979 a year before Reagan took office. NAFTA truly went no where for over a decade. The â€Å"North American Accord†was first proposed by the Reagan and the GOP were always in favor of passage but, it was the Progressive wing, along with many other pro-union members in the Democratic party who held NAFTA atRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement2468 Words  | 10 Pages1.1 Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was is the biggest free trade region in the globe, creating economic development and helping to raise the living standard for the citizens of all three member states. By strengthening the policies and procedures governing trade and investment, the NAFTA has indicated to be a solid foundation for developing Canada’s prosperity and has set an important example of the advantages of trade liberalization for the rest of the globe. Two decades
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Return Shadow Souls Chapter 27 Free Essays
string(143) " her with a red rose in his hand, so hastily picked from one of the arrangements that a thorn had pricked him and blood welled from his thumb\." Elena felt confident and just a little light-headed as they set out for the Silver Nightingale’s gala. However, when the four of them arrived on litters – Damon with Elena, Meredith with Bonnie (Lady Ulma being forbidden by her doctor to go to any festivities while she was pregnant) – at the Honorable Lady Fazina’s palatial home, she was struck with something like terror. The house was truly a palace, in the best of story-telling tradition, she thought. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 27 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Minarets and towers soared above them, probably painted in blue and lavish gilt, but turned lavender by the sunlight, and looking almost lighter than air. To complement the sunlight, torches had been lit on either side of the path of the litters up the hill and some chemical had been added – or some magic used – to make their lights shine in varying colors so that they changed from golden, to red, to purple, to blue, to green, to silver, and these colors shone true. They took Elena’s breath away, as the only things that were not tinged with red in the whole world that she could see. Damon had brought a bottle of Black Magic with him and was almost too high-spirited – no pun intended, Elena thought. As their litter stopped at the top of the hill, Damon and Elena were helped out and down a hallway that cut out much of the sunlight. Above them hung delicate, lighted paper lanterns – some larger than the litter they’d been in a moment ago – brightly lighted and fancifully shaped which gave a festive, playful air to a palace otherwise so magnificent that it was a little intimidating. They passed by lighted fountains, some of which had surprises – like the line of magical frogs that constantly leaped from lily pad to lily pad: plop, plop, plop, like the sound of rain on a rooftop, or a huge gilded serpent that coiled among trees and over the heads of visitors, winding from there to the ground and then back up to the trees again. Then again, it was the ground that would turn transparent with all manner of magical schools of fish, sharks, eels, and dolphins cavorting, while in the dim blue depths far below loomed the figure of a gigantic whale. Elena and Bonnie hurried quickly over this portion of the path. It was clear that the owner of this estate could afford any kind of extravaganza her heart desired, and that above all things what she enjoyed the chiefest was music, for in each area, splendidly – sometimes bizarrely – dressed orchestra were playing, or there might be only one famous soloist, singing from a high gilded cage perhaps twenty-five feet above the ground. Music†¦music and lights everywhere†¦ Elena herself, although thrilled by the sights, sounds, and glorious scents coming from huge banks of flowers as well as from the guests, both male and female, felt a slight fear like a small rock in her stomach. She had thought her dress and diamonds so elaborate when she had left Lady Ulma’s estate. But now that she was here at Lady Fazina’s†¦well, there were too many rooms, too many people, as fancifully and finely clad as herself and her sister â€Å"personal assistants.†She was afraid that – well, that that woman over there, dripping jewels from her delicate three-tier diamond and emerald tiara to her delicate diamond-circled toes, made her own unadorned hair look dowdy or laughable, at such a grand affair. Do you know how old she is? Elena almost jumped to hear Damon’s voice in her head. Who? Elena replied, trying at least to keep her envy – her worry – out of her telepathic voice. And am I projecting that loudly? she added in alarm. Not all that loudly, but it never hurts to tune it down. And you know perfectly well â€Å"who†: that giraffe you were eyeing, Damon replied. For your information, she’s about two hundred years older than I am, and she’s trying to look around thirty, which is ten years younger than when she became a vampire. Elena blinked. What are you trying to say? Send some Power to your ears, Damon suggested. And stop worrying! Elena obediently increased slightly the Power to what she still thought of as her burst ear nodes, and conversations suddenly became audible all around her. †¦oh, the goddess in white. She’s just a child, but what a figure†¦ †¦yes, the one with the golden hair. Magnificent, isn’t she?†¦Oh, by Hades, look at that girl†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Did you see the prince and princess over there? I wonder if they’d swap†¦or – or – do a quartet, dear? This was more like what Elena was used to hearing at parties. It gave her more confidence. It also, as she allowed her eyes to sweep more boldly across the opulently costumed crowed, caused her to feel a sudden surge of love and respect for Lady Ulma, who had designed and overseen the construction of three glorious dresses in only a week. She’s a genius, Elena informed Damon solemnly, knowing that through their mindlink he would see who she meant. Look, Meredith already has a crowd around her. And†¦and†¦ And she’s not acting much like Meredith at all, Damon finished, sounding slightly uneasy. Meredith didn’t seem uneasy in the least. She had her face turned deliberately to show off a classical profile to her admirers, but it wasn’t the profile of level-headed, serene Meredith Sulez at all. It was a sultry, exotic girl, who looked as if she might very well be able to sing the Habanera from Carmen. She had her fan open and was gracefully, languorously fanning herself. The soft but warm indoor lighting made her bare shoulders and arms gleam like pearl above the black velvet dress, which seemed even more mysterious and striking than it had back at home. In fact, it seemed to have stricken one devotee to the heart already; he was kneeling before her with a red rose in his hand, so hastily picked from one of the arrangements that a thorn had pricked him and blood welled from his thumb. You read "The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 27" in category "Essay examples" Meredith didn’t seem to have noticed. Both Elena and Damon felt for the young man, who was blond a nd extremely handsome. Elena felt sorry†¦and Damon felt hungry. She certainly seems to have come out of her shell, ventured Damon. Oh, Meredith doesn’t ever really come out, Elena replied. It’s all playacting. But tonight I think it’s the dresses that are doing it. Meredith is dressed like a siren, and so she’s acting all sultry. Bonnie’s dressed like a peacock and†¦look. She nodded down the long hallway that led to a huge room in front of them. Bonnie, dressed in what looked like real peacock feathers, had a crowd of her own followers – and that was just what they were doing: following. Bonnie’s every movement was light and birdlike and her jade bracelets clinked together on her small rounded arms, her earrings chimed with each toss of her head, and her feet seemed to twinkle in golden sandals in front of her peacock train. â€Å"You know, it’s strange,†Elena murmured, as they reached the large room and at last sound was muted so she could hear Damon’s physical voice. â€Å"I didn’t realize it, but Lady Ulma designed our dresses at different levels of the animal world.†â€Å"Hm?†Damon was looking at her throat again. But fortunately at that moment a handsome man dressed in formal Earth clothes – tuxedo, cummerbund, and so on – came by with Black Magic in large silver goblets. Damon drained his in one gulp and took another from the gracefully bowing waiter. Then he and Elena took seats – on the outside of the back row, even if this was a rudeness to their hostess. They needed to be free to maneuver. â€Å"Well, Meredith is a mermaid, which is the highest order, and she’s acting like a siren. Bonnie is a bird, so that’s the next highest order, and she is acting like a bird: watching all the boys display themselves while she keeps laughing. And I’m a butterfly – so I suppose I’ll be a social butterfly tonight. With you beside me, I hope.†â€Å"How†¦cute,†Damon said heavily. â€Å"But what exactly makes you think you’re supposed to be a butterfly?†â€Å"Well, the designs, silly,†Elena said, and she lifted her mother-of-pearl and gold and diamond fan and gave him a tiny butterfly rap on the forehead with it. Then she opened it to show him a masterly sketch of the same design as her necklace on its front, decorated with tiny dots of diamond, gold, and mother-of-pearl where they would not be harmed by the folds. â€Å"You see? A butterfly,†she said, not displeased with the image. Damon traced the outline with one long, tapering finger that reminded her so much of Stefan’s that it hurt her throat, and stopped at six stylized lines above the head. â€Å"Since when do butterflies have hair?†His finger moved to two horizontal lines between the wings. â€Å"Or arms?†â€Å"Those are legs,†Elena told him, amused. â€Å"What kind of thing with arms and legs and a head has six hairs and wings?†â€Å"A tipsy vampire,†suggested a voice above them and Elena looked up, surprised to see Sage. â€Å"May I sit with you?†he asked. â€Å"I couldn’t manage a shirt, but my fairy godmother did conjure up a vest.†Elena, laughing, scooted over a seat so that he could take the aisle seat by Damon. He was much cleaner than when she had last seen him working around the house, although his hair was still in long wild unruly curls. She noted however, that his fairy godmother had scented him with cedar and sandalwood, and provided him with Dolce Gabbana jeans and vest. He looked†¦magnifique. There was no sign of his animals. â€Å"I thought you weren’t coming,†Elena said to him. â€Å"You can say that? Garbed as you are in celestial white and gold? You mentioned the gala; I took your wish as a command.†Elena giggled. Of course, everyone was treating her differently tonight. It was the dress. Sage, murmuring something about his latent heterosexuality, swore that the image on her necklace and fan was a phoenix. The very polite demon on her right, who had deep mauve skin and small, curling white horns, deferentially submitted that it looked to him like the goddess Ishtar, who had apparently sent him to the Dark Dimension a few millennia ago for tempting people to sloth. Elena made a mental note to ask Meredith whether this meant tempting them to eat sloths, which she knew were some kind of wild animal that didn’t move around much, or something else. Then Elena thought that Lady Ulma had called the dress a â€Å"goddess dress,†hadn’t she? It was certainly a dress you could only wear if your body was very young and very close to perfection, because there was no way to fit corsetry into it or even to drape it to minimize an unflattering feature. The only things under the dress were Elena’s own firm young physique and a pair of scant, soft flesh-colored lace underwear. Oh, and a spray of jasmine perfume. So it’s a goddess I feel like, she thought, thanking the demon (who stood and bowed). People were taking their seats for the Silver Nightingale’s first performance. Elena had to admit to a longing to see Lady Fazina, and besides, it was too early to try for a restroom trip – Elena had already noticed that guards were posted at all the doors. There were two harps on a dais in the middle of a great circle of chairs. And then suddenly everyone was on their feet and clapping, and Elena would have seen nothing, if the Lady Fazina had not chosen to walk down the same aisle Elena and Damon had taken. As it was, she paused right beside Sage to acknowledge the roar of acclamation, and Elena had a perfect view of her. She was a lovely young woman, who to Elena’s surprise looked hardly older than twenty, and was nearly as small as Bonnie. This diminutive creature obviously took her sobriquet very seriously: she was dressed entirely in a gown of silver mesh. Her hair was metallic silver, too, swept high in front and very short in back. Her train was barely attached to her, by two simple clasps at the shoulders. It floated horizontally behind her, constantly in motion, more like a moonbeam or a cloud than like real material until she got to the central dais and ascended it, then walked once around the tall uncovered harp, at which point the suspended part of the cape fell softly and gracefully to the floor in a semicircle around her. And then came the magic of the Silver Nightingale’s voice. She began by playing the tall harp, which seemed even taller in comparison to her small body. She could make the harp sing under her fingers, coax it to cry like the wind or make music that seemed to descend from heaven in glissandos. Elena wept throughout her first song, even though it was sung in some foreign language. It was so piercingly sweet that it reminded Elena of Stefan, of the times they had been together, communicating by only the softest words and touches†¦ But Lady Fazina’s most impressive instrument was her voice. Her tiny body could generate an extraordinary volume when she wanted it to. And as she sang one poignant, minor-tuned song after another, Elena could feel her skin break out into gooseflesh, and a trembling in her legs. She felt that at any moment she might fall to her knees as the melodies filled her heart. When someone touched her from behind, Elena started violently, brought back too quickly from the fantasy world the music had woven around her. But it was only Meredith, who despite her own love for music had a very practical suggestion for their group. â€Å"I was going to say, why not start now, while everyone else is listening?†she whispered. â€Å"Even the guards are out of it. We agreed on two by two, yes?†Elena nodded. â€Å"We’re just having a look around the house. We may even find something while everyone is still here, listening, for nearly another hour. Sage, maybe you could sort of liaise between the two groups, telepathically.†â€Å"It would be my privilege, Madame.†The five of them set out into the Silver Nightingale’s mansion. How to cite The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 27, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Wireless Transmitter and Receiver Suppliers
Question: Discuss about theWireless Transmitter and Receiver Suppliers. Answer: Wireless Transmitters and Receivers: Research Suppliers Wireless receivers and transmitters are some instruments that are required for engineering research and practical purposes. However, these instruments require extensive tuning in order to make them work for particular purposes. Moreover, these instruments have different types of ranges and instruments of some specific ranges are bought for using in some specific purposes. In most of the cases, these instruments have a wide range so that they can be tuned and configured easily. In this specific research, the following instruments with specific ranges are necessary. A transmitter that is able to handle up to 4 analog sensors with the output ranging from millivolts to volts (0 to 10 VDC max) Maximum 50 feet operating range Sampling range 1 kHz (preferred 10 kHz) Temperature range -40C to 80C Receiver able to receive signals from 5 transmitters at a time Small sized transmitters There are some specific suppliers worldwide who manufacture and sell these specified instruments. These suppliers are listed below. Farnell Largest supplier, sells products worldwide, daily service, RF Modules Largest seller in Australia, based in Tasmania, Idvision B.V.B.A Suppliers in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, RS do Brasil Ltda. Suppliers in Brazil, Itronica Inc. Suppliers in Canada, Lextronic Suppliers in France, HY-LINE Communications Products GmbH Suppliers in Germany and Australia, Telemetrics Ltd. Suppliers in Greece, Lemos International Co. Inc. Largest supplier in USA, Bibliography Radiometrix - Radio Modules - RF Modules - Wireless Modules | Distributors. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. Sung-Kweon, P. A. R. K., Kim, K. H., Kil-Soo, K. O., Lee, K. W., Park, J. H. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 9,276,414. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Introduction A couple of decades ago children with learning disabilities were rarely identified. As the years passed by, the number of children with learning disabilities has been increasing rapidly. At the moment almost half of the children with disabilities comprise of children with learning disabilities (Douglas Lynn, 2006, p. 93).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why the United States came up with the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) which has been used for over thirty years to identify children with learning disabilities. According to this act, identification of children with learning disabilities was conducted by the use of IQ test. However, the gradual increase in the number of individuals with learning disabilities led to the disapproval of this method. It was necessary to modi fy this law and in the year 2004 President George Bush signed into law the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, an improvement of the Individuals with Educational Disabilities Act (Douglas Lynn, 2006, p. 93). The main aim of this paper is to analyze this law and its application in response to interaction. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act This new act has got almost the same elements as the previous law apart from one thing; the use of response to intervention (RTI) in identifying students with learning disorder instead of IQ test. With this new method early identification of children with educational failure is achieved unlike in the previous method. According to Lynn (2007) RTI offers practical solutions to problems which IQ tests failed to address since it helps struggling students to recover faster (p.13). This is because RTI distinguishes those students who perform poorly because of disabilities from those students who perform poor ly as a result of inadequate action. As a result of this separation and early identification school performances tend to improve and the number of children with learning disabilities is minimized making this programme to be a successful tool in the process of learning disability identification. Response to Intervention (RTI) Response to intervention is the method that is used by the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act to detect students with learning disabilities. This method uses a variety of steps to identify the children with learning disabilities and has procedures which are necessary to help them academically. To identify children with learning disabilities, a subgroup of underperforming students is first identified. This is done in the first month of a new academic year by using the test scores of the previous year or by giving a test to all the students and use this results. From these results one can select underperforming students by either selecting the students who score below the 25% mark or those who score below the average mark. This procedure should be done in all grades.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Once this group has been identified then their responsiveness to education is monitored over a period of time. In order to find out whether there is progress in these students, periodical high stake tests are conducted. The students who score above a certain percentile mark (20% for example) exhibit sign of improvement while those who score below the expected mark should be subjected to a more vigorous training either inside or outside the classroom. The progress of these students can be assessed as done earlier during the first tier. According to Douglas and Lynn (2006) it is advisable to conduct the comparison of underperforming students at local and national levels. Weekly progress of these students should also be conducted (p .94). Intervention in RTI Intervention in RTI is achieved by several methods. The first form of interaction aims at detecting early problem of reading. This ensures that no child is lagging behind as others progress. As a result RTI is an essential aspect of the reading first policy in the current school curriculum in the United States. RTI has got different levels making it to be multitired. As a student moves from one level to another the training becomes more intense. This ensures that necessary intervention and attention is given to the students in a bid to help them improve academically. Another intervention conducted in RTI is problem solving. Practitioners prefer the use of standard protocols in problem solving. RTI has got up to four different levels of problem solving (Ikeda and Gustafson, 2002). In level one the teacher works hand in hand with the parents of the student to solve his/her academic problems. In the second level the teacher works together with his colleagues i n the school to identify the problem of the student and select which measures to implement. Failure of this leads to level three which involves professionals from Heartland staff who use behavioral strategies to solve the problems of the student. If this fails then level four commences and it entails special education assistance. All through this process the student responsiveness to the programme is the driving force that determines which method should be applied. Standard treatment protocol is also used in problem solving. However, unlike in problem solving where each student was subjected to a different method in standard treatment control all the students are subjected to similar methods for a specific period of time and then evaluated.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Those who respond positively to the trea tment are returned back to class while those who respond negatively move to the second tier to where more intense training is administered. Those who respond well to the second tier training are returned back to class. Those who respond poorly are suspected to have disabilities and further investigations commence. Reasons for RTI preference over IQ The incorporation of identification of students with learning disabilities started in the 1970 and IQ tests were used for the purpose of identification. During that time only 2% of the students were identified with learning disabilities. The number however increased to around 6% in 1999-2000 (Douglas Lynn, 2006, p. 96). Conducting this programme is quite expensive (about three times the cost of education a normal child). Therefore as a result the government ended up spending a lot of money running the programme. The increase in number of students with learning disabilities over time also made the IQ method not to be seen as productive. T he IQ method has been criticized since there is no standard procedure to compute it, its size and which tests are to be used to determine the IQ of an individual. Due to these inconsistencies the IQ failed to distinguish correctly students with learning disabilities from low academic achievers. That is why the government developed the new Act which uses RTI in identifying learning disabilities. RTI has managed to find solutions to the problems which came up as a result of using IQ. Conclusion Since the 1970`s the US government has been using IQ as a means of identifying students with learning disabilities. However, this programme has proved not to be effective since the number of students with disabilities increased with time. That is why the government introduced RTI to solve the shortcomings of the IQ method. References Douglas, F., Lynn, F. (2006). Introduction to Response to Intervention: What, why, and how valid is it? Reading Research Quartely, 93-99. Web. Ikeda, M., Gustafs on, J.K. (2002). Heartland AEA 11’s problem solving process: Impact on issues related to special education (Research Rep. No. 2002–01). Johnston, IA: Heartland Area Education Agency 11.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lynn, F. (2007). Special education faculty pioneer Responsiveness to Intervention. Web. This research paper on The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act was written and submitted by user Pale Worm to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
LOWER THAN SHIT! Professor Ramos Blog
LOWER THAN SHIT! The bus driver yells, â€Å"keep your heads down and close your eyes.†I can feel us getting closer to the chaos. I hear kids crying and shaking, because we are scared. We are scared of what is going to be on the other side of that bus door when it swings open. It is not the fact of where we are going, but the fact that the unknowing is what drives the stake to our hearts. The bus stops and in runs a drill instructor screaming, â€Å"GET THE FUCK OFF,†We all yell back, â€Å"I sir!†The drill instructor looks back at all of us and says, â€Å"do I look like a sir?†I thought to myself, oh great not even a minute into it and we have already messed up. â€Å"I rush off the bus and take my spot on the yellow foot prints, trying not to mess up again, and three drill instructors swarm a kid too slow to get there. I hear them yelling at the kid, spit flying, the kid has no idea how to respond so he yells, â€Å"I Sir†over and over again until the drill instructors are satisfied and finally gives the poor kid a break. I think to myself, â€Å"how am I goanna survive this? 0600 (6:00am) its time wake up get dressed and make our bed in the squad bay. The drill instructor yells at us to get on line and we all respond as fast as we can. I did not finish fast enough, and my rack (bed) is not properly made with no wrinkles and a 90-degree angle at the edges. The drill instructor comes over and yells at me and makes me stand there while he inspects the rack. In return to my rack not being made correctly in his ridiculous standards, the drill instructor flips my rack and destroys everything around it. He makes me look at the rack and yells at me to fix it, and while I fix it, everyone in my squad made up of 40 plus recruits has to do whatever ridiculous exercise the drill instructor comes up with. Keep in mind that these drill instructors and the rest of the marine corps believe in mass punishment. The reason this is because it singles out the one person that messed up by embarrassing him and making his fellow recruits hate him for making them go through this pain even though he was not the one that made them do it. Some of the creative exercises the drill instructors come up with are to hold out an object and I mean anything. I have held up my heavy foot locker to a rifle to even a little as just my hands with your elbows locked out as a punishment. You would be surprised how heavy your hands can get while holding your hands out for a long time. The drill instructors would get in your head telling you that you are weak because your arms start to drop, but if that happens he again singles you out and you have to start all over. If you find it hard to believe that holding something out with your elbows locked keeping it nipple-line-high try this. Hold a piece of paper with both hands out with your elbows locked at your nipple line for a long period of time. I tell you a piece of paper would never seem so heavy after awhile. The squad bay is not a place to be because that is when there is no witness to see what the drill instructors can d o to you. I remember late at night when I had to do fire watch (guard duty) you could hear the recruits yell out, â€Å"I SIR†in their sleep. There is no escape that even in your sleep there is a drill instructor in your face. What kept going through my head is, â€Å"I can’t give up,†even though the drill instructors tell you that you are lower than a piece of shit. In their words, â€Å"you are nothing, you should give up, get out of my marine corps you piece of nothing.†There was an obstacle course one day and the drill instructors tried to just do just that, and make me quit through their words, I came to the final obstacle not being able to feel my legs or arms, and I had to climb this rope. I get half way and slide down. The drill instructor yells out, â€Å"IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO PUSSY?’ I try again and same result, and yet again the drill instructor yells at me, â€Å"GET UP THE FUCKING ROPE YOU WASTE OF AIR.†I’m mad now and attempt a third time. I get half way and my arms give out and fall all the way down and land on my back. My back hurts, I can’t feel anything on my body and the drill instructor is laughing at me. I want to give up maybe I can’t do this, and other recruits have already finished. â€Å"FUCK THAT†, I can’t give up, I have to do this for me, and I can do this. I rap my foot around the rope and place the other foot on top and start to go up. I get half way and my hands are slip ping. I think to myself, â€Å"am I goanna fall? NO! push more, keep going, and keep pushing.†I made it to the top. This was my turning point. I can do anything. All I have to do is push myself and not give up.     The hell never stops from day to night until final test day. We call the final test day â€Å"The Crucible†it is an extended period in the middle of nowhere were they test and teach you how to survive. You are hungry, exhausted, cold, hurt, and hate life at this point. It starts off with a 15-mile hike to the area where you feel like this might be the final nail on your coffin. Along the road of the 15 miles of water up to your knees, you hear your fellow recruit cry out that he can’t do this. The instructors sense the weakness and pounces on this recruit. Let’s just say he did not make it with my class. I think to myself, â€Å"don’t give up! You can do this.†During this walk, you think to yourself why you don’t want to give up. I thought of how I don’t want to disappoint my family. How I could not look myself in the eye if I quit now. I would rather drop down and pass out, or I would have to be physically stopped before I would giv e up. Every time I found myself on the verge to give up I thought this. The attitude of the need to succeed got me all the way through to the end. The day finally came, I was a Marine. You think that day was when you graduate, or when you are wearing your fancy uniform. No! That is when you are coved in mud, broken from a long crucible, tears in your eyes, heart lifted to the sky, prouder then you can ever be. Your drill instructor, jailer, hell bringer, the man you hated gives you your First EGA (Eagle Globe and Anker). I am done I am finally moved up from someone lower than shit. I kept my mental toughness and did not give up I am finally something, a Marine, and a Marine never gives up.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The Frailties of Power in Brownings My Last Duchess Essay
The Frailties of Power in Brownings My Last Duchess - Essay Example I. Introduction A. A Duke proposes marriage to a Count’s daughter through his messenger, not by words of love, but by hidden threats and symbolism that affirm his power. B. This essay analyzes the meaning of Robert Browning’s (1842) poem, â€Å"My Last Duchess.†C. It argues that â€Å"My Last Duchess†is an allegory of the frailties of power because the Duke reveals his actions and intent for power over women and society, but not his own morality and maturity. II. The setting shows that the duke controls everything. A. The Duke has authority over famous artists. 1) He mentions Fra Pandolf, a fictional renowned painter. 2) Browning (1842) ends the poem with the Duke bragging about another fictional prominent sculptor, Claus of Innsbruck. B. The Duke uses the room of the painting to depict his control over people. 1) The Duke asks his audience to appreciate the painting, but it is more of an order than a request. 2) He controls the painting now, a control t hat he would have wanted for his last wife. III. Browning uses language to convey the Duke’s authoritarian attitudes and behaviors. A. He has complete power that no one questions. 1) The title is significant to the meaning of the poem. 2) The title shows his power. B. Browning employs rhyme to emphasize the Duke’s superior thinking of himself. 1) The word â€Å"wall†(Browning, 1842, 1) rhymes with â€Å"call†(Browning, 1842, 2) because the only reason that the Duchess is on the wall is due to the Duke’s decision. 2) â€Å"Rarity†(Browning, 1842, 55) rhymes with â€Å"me†because the Duke thinks that he is a rare superior male specimen (Browning, 1842, 56). IV. Browning uses dramatic irony to depict that the more the Duke hides, the more that he reveals his real self. A. Browning shows the difference in words and deeds. 1) The Duke wants to be seen as courteous, but he is impatient. 2) He wants to be perceived as generous, but he is not. 3) He is an immature, jealous husband and a power-hungry ruler. B. Browning demonstrates that the Duke is an insecure man with no morals. 1) The Duke will not accept no for an answer. 2) His object is not love, but power. V. Conclusion A. The Duke is not subtle with his authority. B. Browning shows that power corrupts people. C. But power is not enough to prove that one person is truly powerful inside. A Duke proposes marriage to a Count’s daughter through his messenger, not by words of love, but by hidden threats and symbolism that affirm his power. This essay analyzes the meaning of Robert Browning’s (1842) poem, â€Å"My Last Duchess.†Browning (1842) employs the structure of a dramatic lyric to narrate in a conversational style to a Duke’s marriage proposal strategy. The Duke is believed to be the Duke of Ferrara. In this poem, the Duke seeks to gain a woman’s hand through a depiction of his dead duchess’s painting. â€Å"My Last Duchess†is an allegory and dramatic irony of the frailties of power because as the Duke reveals his actions and intent for power over women and society, he distinctly exposes his own immorality and immaturity. The setting shows that the duke controls everything in his land, especially his people. The Duke has authority over famous artists. He mentions Fra Pandolf, a fictional renowned painter. The artist â€Å"[w]orked busily a day,†suggesting supreme obedience out of fear (Browning, 1842, line 3). The work is so perfect that the duchess looked almost alive because if not, the Duke seemed to be the kind of person who could order a bad artist to the gallows. Browning (1842) ends the poem with the Duke bragging about another fictional prominent sculptor, Claus of Innsbruck. Claus’
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
A Hero Journey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Hero Journey - Research Paper Example The underlying cause for rebellion and attempts to overthrow King Aegeus was prompted by the fact that the King was childless. After engaging in sexual relationship with Aethra, the daughter of Pittheus, and having convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that Aethra was expecting a child, Aegeus left for Athens but without giving instructions to Aethra. Aegeus instructed Aethra that if she a bore a boy child, she should sent the child to Athens. Aegeus left behind a pair of sandals and sword, which he hid under a huge rock (Bertram and Webster,21). After attaining a mature age, Aethra sent Theseus to Athens as directed by Aegeus so as to claim his birthright. Before this ordeal, Aethra disclosed to Theseus the identity of his real father and thereafter directed him to the rock where Aegeus had hidden the sword and pair of sandals. Since Theseus had developed a well built body and had marshaled great bravery, he lifted the rock with ease and took possession of the tokens (Dryden.8). It is clear that Theseus was being prepared for the adventure ahead. Although he grew under the tutelage of his grandfather (Pittheus) during his formative years, Theseus received the necessary training. Theseus had a personal tutor named Connidas. The journey to Athens proved to be dangerous and risky for Theseus but he overcame the challenges. Initially according to plan, Theseus was supposed to travel to Athens via sea since this was the safer route. It was extremely dangerous by that time for any person to travel by land. Pittheus (Theseus grandfather) and Aethra (Theseus mother) implored him to travel via sea but he refused (Bertram and Webster,pg.12). Theseus instead opted to travel to Athens by land to the astonishment of Pittheus and Aethra. Theseus was much aware of the consequences associated with land travel but he defied the instructions from the seniors. Choosing to travel to Athens by road, Theseus was prepared for any eventuality. This is the stage where
Monday, January 27, 2020
LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 .1 Definition of Consumer Behaviour
LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 .1 Definition of Consumer Behaviour Consumer behaviour can be defined as the study of individuals, groups or organisations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. (Hawkins, Best, and Coney, 2001, p7.) This definition contain a sequential process involving different activities that can be influence to the consumer in a number of ways. The study of Consumer Behaviour is the study of how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, and effort) on consumption-related items. It includes the study of what they buy, why they but it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, and how often they use it. It concludes elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. Consumer behaviour goal is to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand peoples wants. Although this subject study on how and why consumers make decisions to buy goods and services, consumer behaviour research goes far beyond these facets of consumer behaviour and encompasses all of the behaviours that consumers display in searching for, purchasing using,evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they key expect will sa tisfy their needs. And other definitions is emphasise the mental, emotional, and physical processes and needs and wants, as well as the influence of perceived risk. (Arens, 1999, p129) The literature generally distinguishes between individual consumer buying and organisational purchasing processes. Wilson (2000) argues that the distinction is artificial and a generic behavioural model must be developed for both individual and organisational consumers with appropriate contextual adjustment. The field of consumer behaviour is enormous, and highlights the importance of the customer at the centre of the marketers universe. Every each consumers is unique with different needs and wants and buying choices and habits and choice that are in turn tempered by psychological and social drivers that affect purchase decision processes. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2000). The literature review concludes a high level overview about consumer behaviour. It contains consumer behaviour from an individual perspective and considers consumer behaviour in the context of a rational purchasing decision process. It is including a perspective on the ethical responsibility of marketers. Foxall (1993) notes that a purely behavioural approach, which relies on observed results as a means to infer the end result of human information processing should be supplemented by an evolutionary explanation. He suggests that evolution is a causal mechanism which accounts for selection or a decision by consequence. The experience of results of prior and similar behaviour (operant conditioning), environmental influences, and cultural changes should be considered in order to explain and predict changes in consumer behaviour. The argument is therefore, that the principle of selection by environmental consequence will enhance behaviourist thinking in a marketing context. When we analyzing about the consumer behaviour is perceived as cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy (, 2006). Consumer behaviour is mental and emotional processes and the observable behaviour of consumers during searching purchasing and post consumption of a product and service (Batra Kazmi, 2004). Similarly Engel (et al, 1990) refers consumer behaviour is the action and decision process of people who wants to purchase goods and services for personal consumption. If these defining criteria are already observed, it is evident that we analyzing consumers decision making process is the foundation of entire notion of consumer behaviour. There are four different views related to consumer decision making process and behaviour (Schiffman Kanuk, 2004). The first views is economic view that consumers are primarily face competition and they are always expected to make rational decision on the basis of assumptions that they are aware of all product alternatives, they can rank benefits and limitation of each alternative and able to identify one of the best alternative. Second views is Passive View is absolutely opposite to economic view and this view suggest that consumers are irrational and impulsive as they are submissive to self-center interests of marketers and that consumers got influenced by the marketing tools. And the third views is Emotional View. This view related to perceive consumers decision making based on their emotional association or feeling about some products and services. Example, if a person loosing red colour pen neither go for rational decision by evaluating alternatives (economic view) or the perso n get influenced by marketers (passive view). Thus the person will try to purchase any ring closely resembled with his favourite. And the last views is Cognitive View where consumers are considered as thinking problem solver. which are receptive as well as actively searching for the products and services that can fill their need. Consumers behaviour under this view is based on information seeking and processing attributes usually directed by a goal. For example, buying a tooth paste from shop can have a certain goal of choosing product that can taste good (, 2006). Â Despite of critiques for each viewpoint, it can be considered a valid argument, that all four types of decision making behaviour exist and provide marketer guidelines to analyze consumer accordingly. After we anaylyze the data from each viewpoint, it can be considered a valid argument, that all four types of decision making behaviour are exist and provide marketer guidelines to analyze about consumer habits. Based on the general perception about most acknowledged and common cognitive view, Batra Kazmi (2004) asserts broader stages of a consumers decision making process that includes identification of problem (feeling need of a new car), information search (on internet and showrooms), alternatives evaluation (comparing brands, for example like on basis of repute and features), outlet selection and purchase (purchasing selected item) and post-purchase action (satisfaction or dissonance).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A population is consists of a group of the same species which occupy the same area. In order for a population to survive certain variables must be in place, making the biome ideal to support life for that and the other species within that community. There are some species that depends solely on the type of climate and food web that is available in a particular biome, these species would be considered to be specialists. Other species are able to adapt to the change of climate and eat a variety of items which aids in their survival and population growth.This paper will examine four species of birds in an effort to ascertain which species may be considered generalist / opportunistic and which species are specialist depending on specific climate or with a narrow niche preference. In order to providers with accurate information the writer will examine the environmental preference of these specific species, their diet, population growth and biome that provides the perfect living conditions for their species. The four species being examined today are the American Robin, the Wood Stork, Great Blue Herron and the Double Crested Cormorant.The American Robin's diet consists of a wide variety of berries earthworms and insects, and they are found throughout North America. Communities or Robins are found in several biomes, including forests edges, woodlands, grasslands, tundra and forests regenerating from recent fires, they are also found in populated urban areas since human development provides areas for them to forage. Although the Robin is a migratory species some of them have adapted to the cold and spend their entire lives in the colder regions of Northern America and Southern Canada.Although some American Robin is capable of adapting to several environments their diets are not so widespread in the summer they feast on insects and earthworms, while in the winters their diets mainly consists of berries. It is often hard to determine whether or not a species fall in the category of generalist or specialist because of their behavior and eating patterns, however it could safely be said that the American Robin is a specialist and their eating habits has proven this and also because they are migratory.The Double Crested Cormorant is widely distributed being found in egions with bodies of water that will support their diet of mainly fish however crustaceans, insects and amphibians are known to be consumed by them. The biomes that provide them with the best living conditions would be the temperate costal waterways, freshwater rivers and lakes and other marine waters The fact that they consume over 250 species of fish which is readily available in regions with abundant rainfall has aided in the rebound of their population.The Double Crested Cormorant falls within the category of generalist [opportunistic. In the United States he Wood Stork is found mainly in the southern regions along the coastal areas. Their food supply which includes a range fishes, fro gs, mollusks, snails and insects can be found in coastal areas, tidal waters, marshes, swamps, streams and mangroves. The to provide them with food supply year round. Although their diets are made up of several types of items they mainly come from the waterways and as such their distribution is not widespread, making the Wood stork a specialist species.The Great Blue Herron was made for survival; they are very adaptive and can be found in a ide variety of areas within the United States. Their diets include both vertebrates and invertebrates, insects, fishes and even other birds. They also consume small mammals and amphibians which can be found in forests or waterways. These birds can also endure the cold winters therefore many biomes support their habitats. The Great Blue Herron would be considered an opportunistic species since they are widely distributed and very adaptive to climate and diet.In concluding I would like to say that most species don't fit easily into one category mak ing it harder to identify hether or not they are specialist or generalist, as in the case of the Robin who is widely distributed, however they are confined based on what they eat and weather conditions.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Christmas Carol Essay
A Christmas Carol’ focuses on a very mean character called Ebenezer Scrooge, who unnaturally receives a chance to make amends for his actions towards his clients. Life in Britain in the 1800’s was very dark and gloomy, also its population was increasing rapidly. At this time and age, Britain’s industrial revolution was in full flow, thus making Britain’s population explode. Charles dickens had uncountable financial problems and was in in huge dept. In addition to this, in the fall of 1843 dickens and his wife were expecting their fifth child. Supporting his large family was difficult for Dickens. Requests for money from his family and a large mortgage had left Dickens seriously short of cash. In a way Dickens most cherished and most read books was created as a result of his own desperate need of money. Charles Dickens routinely walked the city streets, 10 or 20 miles at a time, observing the life. The descriptions in his writing seem like an exact replica of what he observed and experienced during these times. Evidence of this shown in the text. Descriptions such as ‘a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching,’ may show how Charles Dickens might have behaved when he had his desperate money problems. In this essay, I will be discussing the development of Ebenezer Scrooge’s character in Christmas Carol whilst going through each stave. Stave 1 clearly introduces Scrooge’s character to the reader. At the beginning of the stave, the first description we see is where it says: ‘The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker and the mourner. Scrooge signed it. ‘ From this text the reader can already comprehend that scrooge is a man who only takes credit for himself and that he despises spending money on other people. Another description presented by the text tells the reader that there is something about Scrooge’s life style that makes him very unpopular with the locals. ‘Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks’ ‘My dear Scrooge how are you’ This makes it crystal clear that scrooge is obviously not a nice person, thus making the locals shun his presence. Scrooge’s cold and cruel actions to people result in Marley’s Ghost appearing in Scrooges home. The ghost warns Scrooge that if he does not change his way of life, he will end up loosing everything and becoming just like Marley, who is dead and bound up in chains. In the second section or stave 2 of the novel, even though Marley’s ghost had gone, its presence was having an effect on Scrooge. ‘Marley’s ghost bothered him extremely’ Since no one has ever been close to changing Scrooge’s personality, this text shows a slight alteration in Scrooge’s character. In this stave, Scrooge is visited by another ghost who says to represent Christmas past. This ghost shows Scrooge his early life and how much he has changed. After Scrooge has witnessed his passed life and actions, Scrooge is moved with regret. ‘I wish’ Just these two words are very significant as they show a huge positive development in Scrooge’s character, which suggests that Scrooge is willing and hoping to change his cruel ways, and diminish descriptions of himself such as: ‘To see a heightened and excited face would have been a surprise’ Scrooge’s life is full of negative descriptions like this and he wished to make amends for his past actions. Scrooge then says something to the ghost that is very, very unusual: ‘There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night, I would like to give him something. ‘ This is probably the first time that Scrooge has ever shown any affection for anyone, which shows that the presence of the ghosts are developing Scrooge’s character in a divine way. In stave 3 of the novel Scrooge is visited by yet another ghost who says to represent Christmas present. This ghost shows Scrooge how other families, such as the clerk’s and the Cratchits. Scrooge sees that even though the Cratchits are very poor, they can have a high quality of life and be happy at Christmas. Earlier on in the novel Scrooge says a cold blooded thing concerning one of the Cratchits son called Tiny Tim who looks very frail and scrawny and much too vulnerable to the hands of death: ‘If he be like to die he had better do it and decrease the surplus population. ‘ Scrooge’s cold heart was so uncaring, that he thought that the death of a person was a benefit or an advantage to people. However, when the ghost showed Scrooge this family, his reminiscence of his past sayings had a different effect on him: ‘Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the spirit and was overcome with penitence and grief. ‘ Now that Scrooge has viewed that people can be happy without a lot of money, his former way of thinking has now disgusted him. Scrooge has now probably for the first time accepted that his way of life is detestable and needs to be changed: ‘All the things that ghost has shown him came upon his mind. He softened†¦ ‘ ‘If he would have listened he might have cultivated the kindness of life. ‘ This shows a further development of Scrooge’s character as his hard headedness had been softened and also, he now desires to have a personal quality of kindness. In stave 4 of the novel Scrooge is visited by the last of the three ghosts who represents Christmas future. In this stave scrooge is shown a group of people who are discussing a very unpopular mans death. Scrooge is puzzled by the conversation of the group until the ghost silently exposes the secret when he shows Scrooge a gravestone with his own name on it. The description of the ghost in the beginning of the stave definitely offers a hint that Scrooge’s future will be cold and dark just as his past life: ‘Shrouded in a deep black garment’ ‘It seemed to scatter gloom and mystery’ These phrases are fitting descriptions of a ghost that will bring news that is associated with death. The tone of this stave is also set with words such as; ‘Shadow’ and ‘dark room. ‘ These words give further evidence that a death orientated future awaits Scrooge. Scrooge is horrified when he sees his own gravestone, but to further upset him, he sees that his death is ‘un-watched, un-wept and un-cared for. ‘ the phrase ‘neglected grave’ shows that no one cared if Scrooge died because of the extent of the his cold-hearted actions towards people. This event made Scrooge release all of his emotions. ‘I hope to live to be another man’ His future death makes Scrooge resolve to change his way of cold way of life into a much more kind, new man. Stave 5 shows the finale of Ebenezer Scrooge’s development of character. In this stave Scrooge is shown to be a completely different man. For example, instead of sacking one of his employees for being late, he raises his salary another example is that the story says that Scrooge became like a second father to Tiny Tim. In this stave there is also evidence that points to the outcome of the story as the mood of the novel suddenly changes from a dark and gloomy mood to a more happy mood. Words such as ‘Bright’ and ‘Golden sunlight’ show that something marvellous and positive is going to happen to Scrooge and his character. These hints are fulfilled when the text says: ‘Glowing with good intentions’ Obviously from this, the reader can see that Scrooge is a changed man, and is exploding with good deeds and emotions, and instead of planning to do evil he is planning to do something obliging. Language devises such as similes are also used to show Scrooge’s development in character: ‘As happy as an angel’ This simile is used to further emphasize the alteration in Scrooge’s personality. Since Angels are portrayed to be perfect heavenly creatures it is obvious to the reader that Scrooge has made some miraculous changes from being a cold hearted, uncaring and evil man into a loving, kind and angelic new man. In my personal opinion, I believe that the presence of the ghosts were like stepping stones to the development of Scrooges character. It seemed to me that the lessons taught by the ghosts became more and more severe as Scrooge’s mind gradually softens.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Mercantilism Essay - 1133 Words
Mercantilism Mercantilism is the economic theory that a nations prosperity depends on its supply of gold and silver; that the total volume of trade is unchangeable. This theory suggests that the government should play an active role in the economy by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, especially through the use of tariffs. Spain and England used the mercantile system to benefit the mother countries. The mercantile system had special regulations, which usually extracted some sort of reaction from the colonies. If necessary, the policies would be changed to better suit the mother country. The favorable balance of trade was upheld through certain regulations. No foreign trade was allowed for the colony unless it†¦show more content†¦Also, theoretically, the colonies were designed to be economically complementary to Spain. Manufacturing was forbidden in certain colonies to keep the market open for imports. The economic health of the colony was always a secondary consideration. And finally, all colonial trade was channeled through a single port, first Seville until 1720, and then Cadiz. Spain’s mercantilist regulation was extreme almost to the point of absurdity. Smuggling could not be controlled, since it was in the interest of too many Spaniards on both sides of the .Atlantic to participate. Great Britain had four major aims in it’s mercantile policy: to encourage growth of a native merchant marine fleet, to protect English manufacturer’s from foreign competition, to protect English agriculture, especially grain farmers, and to accumulate as much hard money as possible (Americans had to pay for everything wit h hard currency, which drained gold from America. Colonial paper was not legal in England).). The Navigation Acts were efforts to put the theory of mercantilism into actual practice. Under the provisions of this legislation, trade with the colonies was to be conducted only in English or colonial ships. 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